Chapter - 1: Legal Side Of Hacking [ Beginning Ethical Hacking With Python ]

 Legal Side of Hacking ( Chapter - 1 ) - Beginning Ethical Hacking With Python by Cyber Anthology

                            Here, we are going to begin Ethical Hacking with Python.


                        As time goes by and we progress, our old environment is also changing very

fast. It has not been like before when we keep records by entering data into a

big logbook and stack them one by one date-wise. Now we keep data in a

computer. We don’t go to a market anymore to buy anything. We order it over

the Internet and payment is made by using credit or debit card . The nature of

crime has also changed accordingly.

Where and Where Cyberlaw?

                        Criminals used to snatch your data physically before. They now snatch it

over the Internet using computers. Now computers have become a new tool for

business as well as for traditional crimes. On the basis of which, a term

—“cyberlaw ”—comes to the fore. As an ethical hacker, the first and most

basic thing you should remember is “don’t try to penetrate or tamper any other

system without asking permission.”

How to experiment My Knowledge?


                    You may ask how I would experiment with my knowledge. The answer is

Virtual Box . In your virtual machine you may install as many operating

systems as you want and experiment on them (The above image depicts Virtual

Box and two operating systems running in it). Try everything on them. Trying

any virus on your virtual machine will not affect your main system. At the

same time you will keep learning about malware, viruses and every kind of

possible attack.

What type of computer crimes are punishable in our legal system?

                            A few examples may give you an idea.

        If you use any software tool to generate a credit card or debit card number ,

then it is a highly punishable offense. It will invite a fine of fifty thousand

dollars and fifteen years of imprisonment. Setting up a bogus web site to take

credit card numbers with a false promise of selling non-existent products is a

highly punishable offense. Rigorous imprisonment and a hefty fine follow. I

can give you several other examples that may invite trouble for you if you

don’t stay within the law.


                                 Remember, you are an ethical hacker and you are learning hacking tools

for protecting your or your client’s system. For the sake of protection and

defense, you need to know the attack, exploit or penetration methods .

                             Try every single experiment on your virtual machine.

                              That is the rule number one of ethical hacking.


REF Book: Beginning Ethical Hacking With Python

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The online version of this chapter (doi:10.1007/978-1-4842-2541-7_1)

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